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I love when my songs become part of the fabric of people’s lives and have been honored to hear about all the different ways and whens and wheres these songs have been sung (atop Mt. Kilimanjaro, no less!). Thank you for that. I imagine it is every songwriter’s fondest hope to have other voices take up the songs and I have been so gratified for that to have happened. But it is also a challenge to make a living as a songwriter, so I do ask for a licensing fee if you are teaching, or performing these works. There are three different licenses, based on the size of the group you will be working with:

Small, for groups up to 25: $35
Standard, for groups up to 50: $50
Unlimited: $65

Think of this license system as an online honesty box. I don’t keep careful tabs on just who has bought a license for which song, but if you are a song leader or choir that enjoys this original work, please consider supporting its continuing creation. Retroactive licenses are also fine! (If, by chance, you’ve sung a song but never quite got around to licensing it before…)

Just to be clear:
• A choir or choir leader only needs one license per song no matter how many times it is sung or performed.
• Licenses do not expire.
• Retroactive licensing is fine. Lovely, in fact.
• Two groups of 25 equals 50 people, so you would buy a license for the total number of people you are working with, not the number present at any one time.
• If you support my work by hosting me for a workshop, I do not expect you to buy a license for the songs we learn in that workshop.

Thank you! And I hope you enjoy singing these songs.